Thursday, February 17, 2011


  Lately I have been thinking...What Am I Going To Do For the Rest of This Life???...What
Are My Intentions Concerning What I am Doing In My Daily Life Right Now???...Is It Worth It to Do the Things That I Really Want to Do???...The Things I Really Am Supposed To Do???...
     You know the Things the God Wants me to Do…My Purpose…My Path…I Walk my path Every Day.  What if I am Missing the Point???...What if I am Missing the Path???...Why did God Want me To Come Back???...And What if I had Said NO???...The Divine Universe has Reasons…Questions…Answers…
     This a Quote I found from the Dalai Lama... 
All major religious traditions carry basically the same message, that is love, compassion and forgiveness the important thing is they should be part of our daily lives.
     Am I Living My Life like This???  I Try…And Fail…And Try…And Fail…And Try…And Fail…Is the Important Thing to Keep Trying or to Keep Failing???
     I Feel Defeated.  I Feel as if I Am Being Hit Repeatedly with a Baseball Bat as I put One Foot in Front of the Other.  I am Still a Part of the Machine.  Doing My Part For Corporate America…And the Global Corporation.  I Try to Escape…I am Pulled Back In…WHY???
     I Love To Cook and Bake…As of Late…Not even That Passion is Motivating Me…
 How Long Does Humanity have until the Crash???...the BIG Crash??? it worth getting Involved in Something New knowing that the Time of the Big Crash is upon us…
     We have Tipped the Scales…Most are in Denial…Some will Help so That the Crash will be Less Devastating…Less Dramatic…And None Can Stop the Crash…
     The Dalai Lama is Very Insightful and Thought Provoking. 
How many of Us are Living Our Daily Lives With Love…Compassion…Forgiveness???...
Am I Living my Daily Life with Love…Compassion…Forgiveness???...Most of the Time Towards Others…All the Time in Connection with My Daughter…Love and Compassion Where I am Concerned is Always…Forgiveness Towards Myself???...That is a Difficult One…
     Selfishness is Not in My Nature…Until the Crash…Then Survival Will Take Over…Sometimes the Imminent Future is Difficult to Comprehend and Take In…Maybe Easier to Live in Denial…God Did Not Make My Soul That Way…

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